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加利福尼亚州的Latham页岩生物群(寒武系第二统,第四阶)和Cadiz地层(Miaolingian, Wuliuan)中的腕足类动物

发布时间:2022年01月25日 14:22

Abstract:A moderately diverse assemblage of brachiopods from the Latham Shale Lagerstatte (Cambrian Series 2, upper Stage 4) and the upper Cadiz Formation (Miaolingian, Wulivan), California is described in detail for the first time. The fauna includes both linguliform and rhynchonelliform brachiopods-Hadrotreta primaea (Walcott, 1902), Paterina prospectensis (Walcott, 1884), Dictyonina pannula (White, 1874), and Mickwitzia occidens Walcott, 1908; and Nisusia fulleri Mount, 1981 and Wimanella highlandensis (Walcott, 1886), respectively-together with olenellid trilobites and hyolithids. The fauna differs from other Cambrian Konservat-Lagerstatten (notably Cambrian Series 2 Chengjiang and Guanshan Lagerstatten, eastern Yunnan) in that the brachiopod shell valves in many cases are still preserved with their original mineralization. Moreover, the excellently preserved shale-hosted valves even include cases with exquisite epithelial cell molds, otherwise only seen in acid-etched material from carbonate rocks. The pitted ornamentation in D. pannula closely resembles that described from Ordovician linguliforms. The unusual preservation of N. fulleri provides important clues for ancestral composition of the brachiopod shell. The two articulated rhynchonelliform species probably represent the oldest records of this group from the west Laurentia. The fauna could also represent the earliest onset of the transition from the Cambrian Evolutionary Fauna (CEF) to the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna (PEF).

Yue Liang, Lars E. Holmer, Xiaolin Duan, and Zhifei Zhang. 2021. Brachiopods from the Latham Shale Lagerstätte (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) and Cadiz Formation (Miaolingian, Wuliuan), California, Journal of Paleontology, 96(1): 61-80.


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